Hemlock Harling is proud to announce that we are now a Climate Smart certified business. In addition to our FSC® Certification, which we achieved in early 2020, we are excited to continue making positive strides with our environmental initiatives and newly established emissions reduction plan. This rigorous process concluded with certification in December of 2020 and involved multiple employees and departments to achieve. Climate Smart’s process to becoming a certified Climate Smart business includes:
- Measuring Current Impacts – we learned how to accurately calculate our current Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and input the data into Climate Smart’s emission calculator software.
- Make an Emissions Reduction Plan – with our GHG data, we created a plan to target specific areas of our business and find opportunities to cut carbon emissions.
- Communicate and Celebrate – with our plan in action, the next steps are to inspire the Hemlock Harling team and also learn how to become carbon neutral.
Hemlock Harling’s Emissions Reduction Plan includes:
- Establishing a Green Team to promote our GHG reduction plan to staff, solicit feedback and encourage engagement at all levels
- Providing Work From Home options to further reduce emissions
- Creating a Compass Card subsidy to encourage the use of public transit
- Measuring our electricity use with monitoring program
- Ensuring efficient shipping methods are offered to clients (shipping via Eco Ground services rather than Air)
Going forward, we will be consistently measuring and managing our carbon footprint by using the Climate Smart program, working closely with our team to target new areas of our business which can positively impact our reduction strategy and work towards our goal of becoming a carbon neutral company.